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文档标题:  Cinema 4D从基础到大师级培训课程合集-Cinema 4D From Basic to Mastery
发布时间:  2020-05-04 14:43:25
文档简介:  Cinema 4D从基础到大师级培训课程合集-Cinema 4D From Basic to Mastery 时长:25小时,大小:50 GB,MP4,作者:EJ Hassenfratz,共8个章节,语言:英语 Learn Cinema 4D, from the ground up, in this intro to Cinema 4D course from EJ Hassenfratz. This course will get you comfortable with basics of modeling, lighting, animation and many other important topics for 3D Motion Design. Youll learn basic 3D principles and best-practices, laying the foundation to tackle more advanced subjects in the future.